God wants to know us personally. More than just practicing a religion, He wants a relationship with us. Our weekend services are where we focus on that relationship. Whether you’re new to faith, have questions, or have been a follower of Jesus for a long time, our services are a safe place to learn more about what it means to know God and grow closer to Him.
Come find out who we are and where we're going! NEXT is a monthly luncheon that gives you and your family the opportunity to do just that.
We believe every Christian should belong to a local church and engage in the life of that church. This includes serving, giving, and participating in Biblical community.
NEXT is designed for 6th grade and up. Lunch and childcare is provided.
Community groups are a casual gathering of 8-12 people meeting in homes, restaurants, and coffee shops throughout our area. Groups typically last 8-12 weeks to allow for easy start and finish points. Be a part of experiencing real life change by growing your faith, living with purpose and building community with others in your community.
For more information, including help finding a group that's right for you, click the button below.
We believe God loves us so much that he did something about it—He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on a cross. As disciples of God, we’re instructed to have that same attitude of love. In fact, the Bible says that if we love one another, all people will know we’re followers of Christ.
Serving is a way for us to learn what it means to put that love into action. If you are interested in serving at Journey, click the button below and one of our staff will be in touch about available volunteer positions.
As strange as this may sound, it’s an awesome thing when people recognize that they are sinners in need of a Savior. God loves us so much that he gave us the gift of Jesus Christ as a Savior from our sins. When we make this connection—and believe in Jesus Christ—we become a part of God’s family. There’s nothing better than that!
The next step is not only one of obedience to Christ, but also one of incredible celebration. It’s called baptism. Just as a nametag lets everyone know your name, baptism identifies you as a Christian. It’s a public way to show people that you follow Jesus.
If you’re ready to take that step or find out more information, that's great! You can sign up by clicking the button below.
Baptisms take place during the main Sunday morning service. It’s a chance for your friends and family to cheer you on as you honor what Christ has done in your life.